Competitors in the field, partners in industry
For Niagara-based industrial and related service companies, the Niagara Industrial Association (NIA) is an industry-focused organization that advocates on behalf of local industry, promotes local industry, and supports the advancement of local industry and its businesses.
The NIA also pursues business development opportunities in a collaborative manner with community and government partners to facilitate new opportunities for our members.
Upcoming Events

2025 Annual General Meeting
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NIA 9th Annual Golf Tournament
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Total members

Private sector

Total Manufacturing
Revenue - $millions

NIA Events
What Our Members Are Saying
Networking, networking and networking. These are the three most valuable benefits of being a NIA member. NIA membership provides a great opportunity to learn from other manufacturers and associated businesses. This has benefitted my business greatly. We have connected with quality cost-effective contract manufacturing services and have benefitted significantly from service providers who have helped us access resources such as funding opportunities and cost-effective quality management consulting services.
Involvement in the NIA has helped us discover business opportunities outside of our region, which has helped us expand and develop partnerships throughout Canada and abroad. The possibilities are endless if we continue to work together with one common goal: building business relationships and strategic partnerships.

The NIA has provided ASW an opportunity to routinely network with other manufacturing and service-based businesses in Niagara. The presentations during General Meetings have been enlightening, and the topics discussed are focused on helping businesses succeed. The team at the NIA are doing a great job.

The NIA is a valuable connection to the local manufacturing community. We use the opportunity to identify potential suppliers and learn about issues that affect us all. They are responsive to member concerns. Membership in the NIA is a viable means to help this sector thrive in Niagara.

The Pittsburgh Trade Mission, organized by the Niagara Industrial Association, was two straight days of valuable networking. I made a lot of great contacts. It was a great opportunity and I look forward to the NIA next trade mission.

The NIA is a valuable networking tool for manufacturing companies in Niagara. LaurCoat Inc. has benefitted from the creation of new business throughout Niagara and beyond due to contacts made through the NIA. The NIA has provided an avenue to connect with new suppliers that have led to the improvement of efficiencies and service. Staff at the NIA strive to highlight issues that are important and pertain to the local manufacturing community. As a Niagara business owner, I appreciate the current and relevant information with regards to manufacturing. The NIA is an asset to the Niagara Region and a great partnership for local businesses.