Stats & Facts
Niagara Manufacturing Facts
Nominal GDP (2023): $2.24 billion
GDP growth (2020 to 2023): 14%
Investment in industrial building construction (2019 to July 2024): $812 million
Employment (2023): 22,100 people
Employer businesses (2024): 659
Non-employer businesses (2024): 512
Exporting businesses (2023): 241
Export values (2023): $7.27 billion
Importing businesses (2023): 323
Import values (2023): $1.7 billion
Total manufacturing area (2024): 23.7 million square feet
Top 10 manufacturing industries by jobs (2024):
Fabricated metal products: 2,861
Transportation equipment: 2,459
Beverage: 2,350
Food: 2,050
Machinery: 1,786
Primary metal: 1,357
Chemical: 1,232
Miscellaneous: 857
Furniture: 779
Wood product: 694
Top 10 industries by number of employer businesses:
Fabricated metal products: 108
Beverage products: 91
Food products: 76
Machinery: 67
Miscellaneous products: 56
Printing and related support: 38
Furniture and related products: 35
Wood products: 33
Chemical products: 28
Transportation equipment: 29